In most states, squirrel seasons are long and offer generous bag limits. This makes squirrel hunting ideal for beginner hunters and seasoned hunters as well. However, while the seasons, it is important to know when is squirrel season in different states.
Below are the start and end dates of the squirrel hunting season in different states. Kindly note that the dates below are for the year 2021-2022. However, the dates for these states Arkansas, Kentucky, and South Dakota are for the year 2022-20223.
How we gathered the information
To ensure the accuracy of our data, we sourced the dates from official states wildlife and fisheries websites. It is worth noting that the dates may change for the 2022-2023 hunting seasons.
Below are the start and end dates of the squirrel hunting season in different states.
Know When is Squirrel Season and When Does Squirrel Season Start and End?
When Does Squirrel Season Start is a question many people ask. The answer to this question depends on the location where you live and what type of squirrel you are asking about. In general, most areas in North America have their own specific squirrel season that runs from early winter until late spring. Below you will find squirrel season starting and end dates in the 50 US States.
When is squirrel season in Alabama?
The Alabama squirrel season starts on September 11. As for when does squirrel season ends in Alabama, it ends on March 6. It is important to note that fox squirrel hunting is closed in the Bankhead national forest.
When is the Alaska squirrel season?
The hunting season is open year-round for Alaskans who want to try out their air rifle for squirrel hunting.
When does the Arizona squirrel season start
In Arizona, if you are looking to use your best .22 air rifles on tree squirrels, you can do so when the season starts and ends. In Arizona, Squirrel season starts between October 1 and June 30.
When is squirrel season in Arkansas?
So when does squirrel season start in Arkansas? The Arkansas squirrel season begins on May 15 and ends on February 28.
When is the ca squirrel season?
The squirrel hunting season in California starts on September 11 and ends on January 30. However, the archery/falconry only ca squirrel season starts on August 7 to September 10.
When does squirrel season in colorado start and end?
The statewide colorado squirrel season starts on November 15 to January 15.
When is the squirrel season in Connecticut?
The squirrel season in Connecticut starts on January 1 and ends on February 27. The other season begins on September 1 to December 31.
When does Delaware squirrel season start?
In Delaware, you can use your .177 air rifles for hunting squirrels between September 15 and February 5. It is important to note that squirrel season is closed during the November shotgun deer season.
When is the Florida squirrel season?
The Florida squirrel season starts on October 9 and ends on March 6.
When does squirrel season end in Georgia?
The squirrel season ga for both gray and fox squirrels starts on August 15. As for when it ends, the season runs up to February 28.
When is the Idaho squirrel season?
The squirrel season in Idaho starts on August 30 and ends on March 31.
When is squirrel season in Illinois?
The squirrel season in Illinois starts on August 1 and remains open until February 15.
When is the squirrel season in Indiana?
The squirrel season in Indiana starts on August 15 and ends on January 31. The season is for both gray and fox squirrels.
When does squirrel season start in Iowa?
The Iowa squirrel season starts on September 4. The season ends on January 31 and applies to the fox and gray squirrels.
When is squirrel season in Kansas?
The statewide Kansas squirrel season starts on June 1 and ends on February 28.
When is squirrel season in Kentucky?
The squirrel hunting season in KY is divided into two. The first squirrel season in KY starts on August 21 and ends on November 12. The second begins on November 15 and ends on February 28.
When does squirrel season start in Louisiana?
So when does squirrel season start in Louisiana? Well, it depends on the season. The fall Louisiana squirrel season begins on October 2 and ends on February 28. The spring season starts on May 7 and ends on May 29.
When is the Maine squirrel season?
There is generally two squirrel season in Maine. The first gray squirrel season starts on September 25 and ends on December 31. The second is the falconry hunting season starts on September 25 and ends on February 28.
When is the MD squirrel season?
In Maryland, the squirrel season in all counties starts on September 4 and ends on February 28. The Maryland squirrel season is for both Red and Piney squirrels.
When is the Massachusetts squirrel season?
The squirrel season in Massachusetts is divided into two based on zones. In zones 1 to 9, the season starts on September 12 and ends on January 2. In zones 10 to 14, the season starts on October 15 and ends on January 2.
When does squirrel season start in Michigan?
The Michigan squirrel season starts on September 15 and ends on March 31.
When is squirrel season in Minnesota?
The mn squirrel season statewide starts on September 17 and ends on February 2.
When does squirrel season start in Mississippi?
The fall squirrel season in Mississippi starts on October 1 and ends on February 28, while the spring ms squirrel season starts on May 14 and ends on June 1.
When is squirrel season in Missouri?
The squirrel hunting season in Missouri will start on May 28 and end on February 15. And the daily limit during the squirrel season in Missouri is pegged at 10. The possession limit is capped at 20.
Is there squirrel season in Montana?
In Montana, squirrels are considered nongame wildlife. You can hunt them any time of year, provided it is on private land, and you have varmint hunting permission to do so.
When is the squirrel hunting season in Nebraska?
The squirrel season starts on August 1 and ends on January 31.
Squirrel season in Nevada
There is no squirrel season in Nevada, and you can hunt squirrels all year round. Also, you do not need a license to hunt ground squirrels and raccoons, skunks, and jackrabbits.
When is the squirrel season in New Hampshire?
The gray squirrel hunting season in New Hampshire starts on September 1 and ends on January 31. Hunting in parks and cemeteries is prohibited, though, and there is a daily bag limit of 5.
When is the NJ squirrel season?
In New Jersey, the first squirrel season starts on September 26 and ends on December 5. It is followed up by another season beginning on December 14, 15, and 17 to 31 and ends on February 20, except on Sundays.
The muzzleloading rifle NJ squirrel season starts on September 26 and ends on December 6. The second NJ squirrel season starts on January 2 and ends on February 20. There is a daily bag limit of 5, and only .36 caliber or smaller rifles are allowed for the muzzleloader season.
Squirrel hunting season in New Mexico
The statewide squirrel season in New Mexico is between September 1 and November 30. The daily bag limit is eight, while the possession limit is 16.
When is squirrel season in NY?
The NY squirrel season starts on November 1 to February 28 in zones 1A, 1C, and 2A. In the rest of the state, the season starts on September 1 and ends on February 28. The daily bag limit is six in all zones regardless of squirrel species.
When is squirrel season in North Carolina?
October 18 is when the squirrel season starts in North Carolina. The season runs up to January 31. The daily bag limit is one, and the possession is 2. The whole season limit is 10.
When is the squirrel season in North Dakota?
The season starts on September 11 and ends on February 28. The daily bag limit is set at four, and the possession limit is set at 12. The legal hunting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset.
When is squirrel season in Ohio?
So when does squirrel season start in Ohio? The squirrel season in Ohio begins on September 1 and runs up to January 31.
When is squirrel season in Oklahoma?
The Oklahoma squirrel season starts on May 15 and ends on January 31.
When is squirrel season in Oregon?
In all units west of the Eastern boundary of the Santiam, McKenzie, indigo, Sprague, and interstate units, the season opens on September 1 and ends on November 15. The bag limit is 5 squirrels a day, and the possession limit is 15.
When is squirrel season in Pennsylvania?
In Pennsylvania, there are three squirrel hunting seasons. The first runs from September 11 to November 26. The second starts on December 13 and concludes on December 24. The last is from December 27 to February 28.
When is squirrel season in Rhode Island?
The gray squirrel season in Rhode Island is usually from October 16 to February 28. There is a daily bag limit of 5.
When is squirrel season in sc?
When does squirrel season start in South Carolina? In all game zones, the dogs only season runs from March 2 to September 30. On the other hand, the gun and dogs seasons run from October 1 to March 1. The dogs only season then follows from March 2 to September 30.
In the wildlife management areas, the dogs only squirrel season sc starts on September 1 and ends on September 15, while the guns and dogs season runs from October 1 to March 1. The daily bag limit is set to 10.
When is the squirrel season in South Dakota?
For those looking to hunt tree squirrels in South Dakota, the squirrel season starts on September 1 and ends on February 28. The daily bag limit is 5, while the possession limit is 15.
When is squirrel season in Tennessee?
The squirrel season in TN starts on August 28 and runs up to February 28. And if you are wondering when does squirrel season open in Tennessee spring, the dates are from May 14 to June 12.
When is squirrel season in texas?
Is there a squirrel season in texas? Yes, the squirrel season in texas is usually grouped into three. The first for East Texas zones is from October 1 to February 27. There is also another short season from May 1 to May 31.
In all other open counties, the squirrel hunting season in texas starts from September 1 to August 31. The youth-only season in East Texas is from September 25 to 26.
When is the squirrel hunting season in Utah?
In Utah, squirrels are considered nongame mammals, and as such, you can hunt them all year round. However, a registration certificate is required in San Juan and Grand counties to hunt abert’s squirrels and spotted ground squirrels.
When is the squirrel hunting season in Vermont?
The Vermont squirrel season starts on September 1 and ends on December 31. The daily minimum limit is 4, while the possession limit is 8.
When does squirrel season end in Virginia?
The squirrel season in Virginia can be grouped into three. Also, there are three main squirrel species, gray, red, and fox squirrels. The squirrel season VA for gray and red squirrels is from September 4 to February 28.
For fox squirrels, it is from September 4 to January 31 in the counties of Albermarle, Bedford, Culpeper, Fauquier, Franklin, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange, Patrick, Prince Willian, and Rappahannock.
As for when is squirrel season in Virginia in spring? The dates are from June 4 through 18 and are closed on National forest lands.
When is squirrel season in Washington state?
In Washington, the western gray squirrels are a protected species and cannot be hunted or trapped. However, you can hunt the non-native Eastern gray squirrel.
When is the squirrel season in West Virginia?
The squirrel season in WV starts on September 11 and ends on February 28. The daily bag limit is 6, while the possession limit is 24. The youth season runs from September 4 to 5, with a daily and possession limit of 6.
When does squirrel season start in Wisconsin?
The Wisconsin squirrel season is from September 18 to January 31. The daily bag limit for both gray and fox squirrels is 5.
When is the Wyoming squirrel hunting season?
The squirrel hunting season in Wyoming is from September 1 to March 31. The daily bag limit for gray, red, and fox squirrels is 10.
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About The Author:
Lake Streeter, A Gun enthusiast, and loves to hunt in the middle of the wood. Always check the latest hunting gears out in the market and try to share his honest opinion with the audience in Tarheel3Gun.