18 Best Deer Baits and Attractants To Lure Bucks!

Deer hunting can be a challenging endeavor. This is why we use deer feeders and other sophisticated gear when hunting big bucks. But even with all these gears, taking down a deer is easier said than done. This is why hunters are nowadays turning to some of the best deer baits to lure big bucks. And while the use of deer attractants is highly controversial and outlawed in some states, it can be highly rewarding.

However, before you spend your hard-earned cash on deer bait, make sure that you know your state’s law on deer baiting. Some states allow deer baiting but with some restrictions. Thus it is important that you understand the laws relating to deer baiting.

Also, some states permit the use of some attracts and outlaw the use of others. Thus, there are some legal requirements and restrictions you will have to face when searching the quality deer bait.

The deer bait market is full of all kinds of baits. And trying to find the working deer bait is never easy. Especially when the internet is filled with self-proclaimed experts claiming to know the best deer attractant.

Before I got to know the best bait for deer, I had to do a lot of research on the topic as well as experiment with different deer baits. From my experimentation and research, I settled on the below deer attractants.

best deer bait

My Secret Deer Attractant List

Lots of readers asked me to reveal the secret recipe of my deer attractant and deer scent. For those, I am revealing my secret here…

You can use these attractants which are for me the best way to attract deer fast. These are the lists, which I usually bought from stores for attracting deer fast. For example, I use Redmond Trophy Rock as a go-to best salt lick and manna pro deer corn supplement as a corn supplement. You can check the lists below…  Also, I have reviewed some of my best deer attractant selections below in this post. You can check it later once you get to know the deer bait (forage)

Manna Pro Top Score Deer Corn, 40lb
Manna Pro Top Score Deer Corn, 40lb
Premium Deer & Turkey Feed; Excellent source of nutrition for deer and turkeys; Whole-Shelled Corn

Last update on 2024-10-20 / Please note that Prices and Availability Are Subject To Change /Paid links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

What Are The Best Deer Baits and Why? Learn More About The Best Homemade Deer Attractant


Ask any hunter which deer attractants they have used, and corn is most likely going to be on top of the list of many.


Well for starters deer love corn and it is readily available. While some hunters prefer scattering corn over a wide area, I prefer using the deer feeder, I have listed 12 of the best deer feeders you can check.

As a deer attractant, corn is highly effective for several reasons. One, whole grain corn is a delicious treat to deer with a wealth of nutrients. Thus, using corn as your preferred attractant can increase your chances of taking down a sizeable buck even by your budget crossbow under 500 dollars.


For many hunters baiting deer with corn is one of the surest ways of taking down a deer. For others, corn is a cheap deer bait that gets the job done. For whatever reason, corn can be used solely or alongside other deer attracts.

However, it is important to note that corn might not be the best attractant to use in the late season. This is because due to deer eating woody roughages in the season they develop microorganisms in their stomach. These microorganisms are unable to keep up with the corn and can have fatal consequences.

Peanut Butter! Really Do Deer Like Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is one of those attractants you never think about until someone recommends them to you. And that is exactly how I stumbled upon the awesomeness of peanut butter and wanted to debunk do deer like peanut butter?

Yes, Deer loves peanut butter. And like all the other attractants on this list, peanut butter contains many nutrients and is not found in the forest. This is one of the reasons why deer cannot resist the taste of peanut butter. Also, peanut butter is cheaper than most commercial deer attractants.

best deer bait - Peanut Butter


Considered to be a safer alternative to corn, acorns are great deer attractants. Similar to corn, acorns are readily available. These nuts grow naturally in the forests and are loved by deer and other animals.

best deer bait - Acorns for deer

To give your prey variety, I recommend using acorns that are not available in the forest or area you hunt. Also, deer prefer acorns with low tannic acid levels. In other words, use acorns that are not too bitter and are ripe. Personally, I have used a bait pile of acorns to attract acorns. And one of the things I learned is that deer will ignore a pile of acorns in favor of those that have fallen off a tree. Thus, it is important that you take note of that.

Acorns can be stored for a long period, and this is why they make great homemade deer bait. Having used them myself, I can testify to the fact that acorns indeed are the best homemade deer attractant. Also, Acorns are the best late-season deer attractant.

Sugar Beets

Have you ever used sugar beets for deer bait? Well, many other hunters and I have, and the results were not disappointing. Most animals, deer included, are attracted to sweet and sugary fruits. Using sugar beets is similar to baiting deer with apples. Therefore, you can either use a bucket or spread them out.

best deer bait sugar beets

I use a bucket when using either sugar beets or apples as an attractant. Some hunters, especially those in living in areas where deer baiting is illegal, plant sugar beets as a crop. Sugar beets are great attractants in areas where they are not available.


Though an unconventional deer attractant, salt works miracles when used to bait deer. The reason is that salt is not something that is readily available to deer in the forest.

Salt contains important nutrients and minerals used by all animals, humans, and deer included. Therefore using salt will help maintain a healthy deer population.

 best deer bait - salt

One of the main benefits of salt is that it is not legally considered a bait. This, therefore, means that if in your state deer baiting is illegal, you can use salt and not get into trouble.

All the same, it would be wise to check your state’s laws before using salt. In some states, the use of minerals to attract deer is illegal. During warm seasons, salt helps attract a larger population of deer than other attractants.


Chestnuts are not as common as they used to be. As such, they are considered to be somewhat of a rare delicacy for deer and other animals. It is for this reason that they are great deer attractants.

Chestnuts were predominant in the Eastern parts of the US and according to some hunters; deer that roam these parts eat chestnuts over other feeds.

best deer bait chestnuts

The only drawback to using chestnuts is that they are expensive. Nonetheless, you can get your own chestnut seeds to plant. While they are considered to be great deer attractants some people feel that deer might not be used to them. And though there is some truth in this there is no reason why you should not use chestnuts.

Starfruit, Apples, Watermelon

Deer like all herbivores that roam out forests love fruits. Thus one of the best attractants you can use for deer baiting is a fruit. The most common fruits used for this purpose are apples.

Deer especially white-tailed deer love apples and cannot get enough of them. However, early season, apples can become vulnerable to bee attacks. So it’s favorable for bow hunters who use the crossbow for deer hunting; while air rifles or traditional pro deer rifle hunter did not get apples since they have almost gone.

Another fruit that you can use to bait deer is watermelon. This fruit is especially great when used in late November and throughout the month of December.

Also, you can use starfruit it also be a great option for you if you have starfruit available.

You can use a single watermelon or two. For apples, you can use a number of apples. Unlike other attractants, fruits are sometimes not easy to find since most fruits are seasonal.


best deer bait - carrots cabbage

Some of my hunting buddies swear that certain vegetables are as good as fruits. Some of the vegetables you can use as attractants and which I have used are carrots and cabbages. The good thing about vegetables is that they are cheaper alternatives to fruits.

Homemade Mixtures

Sometimes homemade attracts are better and less expensive compared to store-bought bait. There are many different ingredients you can use to make the best homemade deer bait. Personally, I use minerals such as salt and soda ash, and corn. Also, a mixture of different supplements can yield desirable results. To get the best results you can experiment with different attractants and supplements. Sometimes all it takes to lure a prize-worthy buck is your own creativity.

A friend of mine recommended a mixture of corn and sunflower seeds. I have tried out this mixture in an automatic feeder, and I have to admit it does work. Salted sunflower seeds are especially great for luring hungry deer.

Best Bait For Deer Hunting (Store Bought)

In addition to corn, chestnut, acorns, and salt, store-bought attractants can also be of great help on your hunt. There is quite a number of store bought baits available. In this section, I have decided to stick with the two best deer hunting bait that you can get online or from a store.

Primos Molasses Stuffed Protein Block

The Primos Molasses Stuffed Protein block is probably the top-quality deer attractant block I have ever used. As its name suggests this is a protein block stuffed with nutrient-rich molasses. Being a protein block, this attractant is made up of 18% crude protein, minerals, and sugar. All these ingredients are important to a deer’s healthy growth. Also, thanks to the stuffed molasses, this protein block has a sweet scent and taste that keeps deer coming back. This block is great when used in a suburban or urban setting, where deer are used to people.

Weighing 15 pounds, this average-sized block is an effective whitetail deer baiting tool. Many of the hunters who use or have used this block seem to love it and so do deer.

Evolved Habitats Deer Cane Block

The other best bait for whitetail deer is the evolved habitat deer cane block. Probably the top quality bait for deer hunting from Evolved Habitats, this cane block contains the co-cain deer supplement. This supplement attracts deer to your preferred trail or spot by releasing a mineral vapor trail. When you use it for the first time, the moisture n the air will cause the minerals to react and maintain their vapor trail. When using this block, the manufacturer recommends placing one or two blocks in a bare spot.

This deer attractant block weighs 4 pounds and has a sweet taste that is guaranteed to attract deer to your property. Apart from it being sweet, this block is nutritious and thus gives deer the important minerals their bodies require.

Best Deer Attractant, Deer Lure, Scent & Supplement – No FORAGE!

Have you ever tried using deer attractants when hunting? If not, then you might want to stick around and learn why you should use deer attracts. You probably have heard a lot already about why you should or should not use deer attractant. But irrespective of what you have heard there is no denying the benefits of deer baiting.

Studies have shown that hunters who use deer attractants harvest 2.4 deer per 100 days while those who do not have a success rate of 2.2 in the same time frame. Additionally, a whopping 92% of hunters believe in the success rate of deer baiting. Whether you are for or against it, there is no denying the benefits of the deer attractant.

Speaking of the deer attractant on the market, below I have sampled a list of the top deer attractant reviews just for your sampling. Now you might be wondering how I came to the conclusion that these are great.

Well, I relied on user reviews, my own personal experiences as well as expert opinions. Thus, these attractants have been selected based on what different users had to say about them. This is important since it gives you an in-depth look at what each attractant has to offer.

My Top Deer Attractant Picks



Check Price

Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck Lure

Tinks Doe-in-Rut #69 Buck Lure 4 oz., BrownView On Amazon

Deer Attractant Scent and Lure from Nationwide scents

Nationwide Scents Scrape Lure for Hunting | 8 oz | 1 Bottle...View On Amazon

Buck Nut Apple Cover Scent

Buck Nut Acorn Cover Scent (8oz Bottle)View On Amazon

6-Pk. Evolved Habitats Deer co-Cain Black Magic

6-Pk. Evolved Habitats Deer co-Cain Black Magic 

Lucky Buck Mineral Supplement

Lucky Buck Mineral Supplement 

Whitetail Institute Imperial Forage Oats Plus

Whitetail Institute Imperial Forage Oats Plus 

Top Secret Deer Scents All Seasons Combo

Top Secret Deer Scents All Seasons Combo 

Things To Consider Before Buying Deer Attractant

Before hitting the store for deer attractant, there are things you need to consider first. These considerations will help you figure out, which is the best deer attractant scent to go for.


There are three main seasons in deer hunting, rut, pre-rut, and post-rut. The pre-rut season is when deer are preparing for mating. The rut season is the mating season while the post-rut is after the mating season. The deer attractant you buy should be suited for the season you are hunting in.

For instance, in the rut season, male deer will be busy looking for mates. Therefore, the best deer urine attractant will be ideal.

On the other hand, in the pre-rut season deer will be looking for food to prepare for mating. Therefore, in such a season look for the attractant to mix with corn.

The Hunting Area

Different regions have different vegetation. Therefore, when shopping for deer attractants, it is crucial you consider what deer eat in your area. The most significant mistake you can make is using an attractant that is found naturally in your area.

Find out which foods are not so common in your area. Deer that are seen in Southeastern states have access to sufficient forage year around. Therefore, in such states, you are better off using other kinds of attractants and not foraging.

Type of Deer

There are two deer types roaming our forests, black-tailed and white-tailed. These two are attracted to different kinds of food. Thus, it is important to know, which type of deer you will be hunting. White-tailed deer prefer low elevation streams, farmlands, and populated areas. Black-tailed deer, on the other hand, prefer brushy logged lands and coniferous forests.


There are many different brands of deer attractants out there, each with its own brand. It is important to know which brands excel at making attracts. You can learn this by going through the reviews of users.

Reviews Of Top Deer Attractants: No Forage!

Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck Lure

Tinks Doe-in-Rut #69 Buck Lure 4 oz., Brown

I have always been a fan of hunting during the pre-rut and rut seasons. So when I stumbled upon Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck lure, I purchased it without a second thought. Last year I took down a big buck with this lure.

One of the things I love about this lure is how strong it is. Using this lure, I have been able to attract big bucks in minutes, especially during the rut season. Also, its squeeze bottle makes it easy to use. Whenever I want to use the lure, I just squirt a little on branches.


  • Squeeze squirt top: The squirt top on the bottle makes it easy to apply or administer the lure on virtually anything from a napkin to tree branches.
  • Doe estrous urine formula: The lure is made using 100% doe estrous urine, which is irresistible to any male deer that wanders near it.
  • Four-ounce bottle: The lure is packaged inside a four-ounce bottle, which holds a sufficient amount of the liquid lure for long time of use.


  • It is easy to administer on different things
  • Attracts a good number of deer
  • Can be used in pre-rut and rut seasons


  • It’s a bit pricey compared to other lures


This rut deer lure might seem a bit pricey especially if you are used to buying lures at cheap. However, as anyone who has used this lure will attest, it is more than worth.

Deer Attractant Scent and Lure from Nationwide scents

Nationwide Scents Scrape Lure for Hunting | 8 oz | 1 Bottle...

Nationwide Scents is one of the best producers of deer attractants. One of the company’s best sellers is the deer attractant scent and lure. If you are new to deer baiting, this is one of the top attractants around.

Many of the user reviews I read had nothing but praise for this attractant. Additionally, the people who use this attractant that I consulted admitted that they rarely go hunting without it. Therefore, this deer attractant deserves a spot on my list.


  • 100% deer urine: nationwide collect deer urine, which it then packs in bottles, and this is what you get with this attractant. It is basically deer urine packed in a bottle. Meaning that mature bucks will be attracted to it.
  • 8-ounce bottle: the attractant is packed in an 8-ounce bottle with 4 ounces of it being made up of deer urine. According to Nationwide Scents, this is 4 time that of other deer attracts, something I am inclined to agree with the manufacturer.
  • Certified: This attractant comes with the highest marks of quality and is free from diseases. Also, it exceeds all USDA and ATA standards.


  • Contains more urine per ounce than other attractants
  • Comes in an 8-ounce bottle giving you more
  • It is disease free


  • It is quite expensive
  • Might not work in some places


Nationwide Scents goes through a lot of trouble to bring us the pure and fresh deer scent and lure. Therefore, the rather hefty price tag slapped on this attractant is justified. This is especially when you consider that you are getting 8 ounces of pure and fresh deer urine.

Buck Nut Apple: Best Deer Cover Scent

Buck Nut Acorn Cover Scent (8oz Bottle)

Without spending arms and legs you can get your hands on a scent blocker and an attractant packed in one bottle in the form of the Buck Nut Apple Cover Scent. The latter is essentially a scent blocker that helps mask your scent.

However, it also doubles up as an attractant. How you ask? Well, this scent blocker from Buck Nut emits the sweet aroma of apples, which is irresistible to mature bucks. So, is it worth buying to use as an attractant? Based on my research, this cover scent is amazing at attracting mature bucks.


  • Apple cover scent: The scent of this cover scent masks your scent making you less visible to bucks. In the same light, the sweet apple aroma of this cover scent attracts bucks as well.
  • Spray design: for ease of use, this cover scent has a spray design, meaning you can easily spray some on your gear or trees


  • Comes as both a scent eliminator and attractant for the price of one
  • It can be sprayed on hunting gear such as bows
  • Comes in a 12-ounce bottle
  • Can be used to eliminate foreign odor
  • It is reasonably priced


  • It does not last long


You are probably still wondering whether this scent blocker is worth buying as an attractant. Well, considering that you are getting two products for the price of one, this product is a true bargain. And in my opinion, it is worth every penny you will spend on it.

6-Pk. Evolved Habitats Deer co-Cain Black Magic

6-Pk. Evolved Habitats Deer co-Cain Black Magic

When I first came across Evolved Habitats deer Co-Cain Black magic, I was curious to know the reason behind the interesting name. So of course, I had to try it and see for myself whether it was as good as marketed.

Unlike other attracts already reviewed, this is a food-based attractant. And true to its name, deer seem to be attracted to it as cocaine addicts are attracted to the infamous drug. This is probably why Evolved called this attractant deer co-cain.


  • Packed with minerals: The main reason why deer seem to be attracted to this attractant is that it contains necessary minerals. Thus, it helps deer grow
  • Powerful scent attractant: Apart from containing necessary minerals, this attractant also has an overpowering scent that attracts deer by scent. For this reason this is one of the best deer scent attractants
  • 4.5-pound package: The bag you get contains 4.5 pounds of attractant which will be sufficient for your hunting needs


  • Contains minerals important to the growth of deer
  • Attracts deer with scent as well as taste
  • Contains a significant amount of attractant


  • Is rather pricey compared to other attractants


The premium price tag of this attractant can be a turn off for some, but when you read its reviews, you get to understand why its priced so. The Evolved Habitats Deer Co-Cain Black magic is a premium attractant sure to attract a lot of bucks.

Lucky Buck Mineral Supplement

Lucky Buck Mineral Supplement

It’s not every time you hear people praise an attractant for having an aromatic smell. But this is the case with the Lucky Buck Mineral Supplement. The user reviews and hunters I consulted all said one thing, this attractant smells so sweet it’s tempting even to humans.

However, do not mistake it for a scent based attractant. As its name suggests, this mineral supplement contains essential minerals. This is one of the main reasons why deer love it so much. Just like the aptly named Deer Co-Cain from Evolved, this mineral supplement has been likened to cocaine by those who use it. Some of the reviews went so far as to label it as the best deer attractant for trail cam.


  • 20-pound bucket: This attractant is shipped in a 20-pound bucket, which means you get more than enough attractant to use all year round
  • The right ratio of ingredients: This deer attractant is made up of substances that have been proven to attract deer.
  • Free of grains and molasses: Thus it does not encourage overeating making it useful for longer


  • Can be used all year round Does not have molasse’s, thus does not encourage overeating
  • It is easy to set up
  • It is reasonably priced


  • It might not work in all regions


There are very many deer attractants out there; however, not many encourage healthy eating among deer. This attractant from Lucky Buck is one of the few that does. Since it does not have molasses deer can only eat so much of this stuff. This means that they do not overeat. Also, it is reasonably priced considering you get enough attractiveness for year-round use.

Whitetail Institute Imperial Forage Oats Plus

Whitetail Institute Imperial Forage Oats Plus

Deer love oats, if you did not know, now you know. That being said an oat-based attractant is sure to do wonders. And that is what the Whitetail Institute Imperial Forage Oats Plus does. Ideal for winter, this attractant attracts deer.

And despite the fact that it requires planting, the results justify the hard work that goes into it. This forage is one of the best things to bait deer with during the winter season.


  • Premium Oat: The oat variant used in making this attractant has been tested and proven to attract deer; thus you get something that is sure to work
  • High sugar content: Deers have a love for sugary treats, and this sugar-rich attractant is sure to keep them coming back for more.
  • Selected winter wheat and triticale: The two help deer maintain cold tolerance during the winter, which also makes them keep coming back.


  • Helps boost deer winter tolerance
  • Made using premium oats loved by deer
  • It is an attractant rich in sugar
  • One bag is enough for planting on one acre


  • It is quite expensive


The price of this attractant notwithstanding, there are a lot of advantages you get from using it. So, if you have farmland you want to plant to lure deer, this forage will make a great attractant. Overall, this makes for the best homemade deer attractant on this list.

Top Secret Deer Scents All Seasons Combo

Top Secret Deer Scents All Seasons Combo

There are not many deer attractants that can be used in all seasons effectively. The Top-Secret Deer Scents All Seasons Combo is among the few. You can use this attractant during the rut, pre-rut, and post-rut seasons.

Furthermore, this attractant works efficiently and is friendly to humans, thanks to it being ammonia free. When you buy this combo, you get three bottles of different scent based attractants. While this attractant does not occupy the position of the best deer urine attractant, it is worth a try.


  • Ammonia free: This attractant does not have ammonia making it friendly to use and it lacks that annoying pungent smell that is associated with ammonia
  • Plastic bottle with screw cap packaging: The packaging of this attractant is practical as it makes it easy to store without the worry of spillage.
  • 3-ounce Hot mama Estrous urine: This attractant is ideal for use during the rut season thanks to the three-ounce of pure estrous urine you get with it
  • 3-ounce barely legal urine: This urine attractant is perfect for early season hunting


  • Can be used all year round Comes with three different attractants for different seasons
  • It is ammonia free
  • It is oxygen free


  • It is quite expensive


The Top Secret attractant combo is highly effective all year round. Therefore, if you want the best deer attractant for early season, this combo has it for you. On the other hand, if you want an extract to use during the rut season, this combo has you covered. Thus, while it is not the cheapest extractant out there, it is well worth the money.

When you go shopping for deer attractants, you will be bombarded by a wide assortment of brands. From those that claim to have the best deer scents and lures to those with the title of the top deer attractant block. However, it is wise to factor in all the things I have discussed above. This way you will be able to avoid making the mistake of settling on the wrong attractant to suit your hunting needs. In conclusion, when searching for the attractant, there is a lot you will have to consider.

How To Bait Deer

As hunters, we are always in search of the next best way to bait deer. Some of the techniques we use produce results while others do not. So how to bait deer without getting caught? This is the question I will be answering in this section. The following baiting deer tips will be useful in your deer baiting quest.

Scattering vs. feeder

When you are using attractants such as corn and acorns, you will be presented with two options, scattering the bait over a wide area or using a feeder. Scattering the bait over a wide area may work in some areas, but I prefer using a feeder. Reason being that using a feeder prevents other animals from eating your bait. When you scatter your bait over a certain area, you will be attracting not only deer but other animals as well. A feeder, on the other hand, will be specially designed to keep other animals such as raccoons out. Also using a feeder, particularly one with a timer, trains deer to come at specific times. This will make it easier for you to spot and take down large bucks.

Nevertheless scattering if done properly can yield very good results. One of the things that I do when using deer bait is to scatter it over a deer trail. This I do for two to three days. A deer will approach corn scattered on the ground suspiciously the first time. To put the deer at ease, I normally scatter the bait over the same area every one to two days. Scattering corn wide will get you good results. I recommend scattering over an area that is between five and ten yards wide and 20 yards long. One of the important things to note when using corn as bait is never to put it in a pile as it will get spoilt after a few hours.

Where To Place The Deer Bait

The question of where to put the deer bait is one you will have to get an answer to before using deer bait. Generally speaking the best site to place deer bait is on a deer’s travel corridor. This means the trail that deer follow from a bedding site to a food source and vice versa. One of the don’ts of deer baiting is scattering corn over a small area. The consequence of doing this is that several deer may show up and be too close to one another. This will make it difficult to get an accurate shot of a deer. Also, it increases the chances of an accidental hit.

It is important to take note of wind direction when placing deer bait. To avoid this, I normally pick an ideal hunting spot and place a ribbon of corn leading to the spot from a travel trail. This technique entails taking a deer off its trail. This technique can be good if you use a hunting stand.

Hunting Time

After identifying the deer attractant food that suits your hunting needs the next step will be to know when to use the food. In my experience, I have found that it is better to use attractants during morning hunts. Deer can stay for long after dark in the bait site, which makes it difficult to get out of your spot unseen. In the morning it helps to be at your spot an hour before dawn. This is to make sure that you are in position long before the deer start moving around.

Although hunting in the morning is recommended, some deer come up to feed at dusk. Thus, the best time to hunt and to use deer attractant will depend on the habits of the deer you are hunting.


When you scour the internet in search of the best deer bait ever, you are likely to stumble on a wide array of deer attractants. Sadly not all deer attractants marketed as the best whitetail deer bait will attract deer to your property. Thus, it is important that you evaluate all the options available before settling on one. Alternatively, you can skip the research and make your own blend of deer bait such as a peanut butter deer bait. The bottom line, different deer attractants work differently depending on where and how they are used.

3 thoughts on “18 Best Deer Baits and Attractants To Lure Bucks!”

  1. Thank you for these tips should I say these really helped me and my wife get her first buck and mind as well thank you for share such valuable information one that wasnt.talked.about was rice bran here in arkansas I cant keep enough for the deer I have use 1600 pounds in 3 months and have taken thousands of pictures I am no bone hunter I hunt for meat and pictures of whitetail deer.so thank you again for your time and help
    Happy happy hunter.

  2. Gertrud Holzem

    I have been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this website. Thanks , I will try and check back more frequently. How frequently you update your web site?

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