You have probably read a lot of articles online on why a deer feeder will increase your odds of harvesting the game. Armed with this information, you have decided to purchase one.
But before ordering the first deer feeder you stumble upon online, you may want to take some time to go through our expert’s opinions of the best deer feeders. Our list below comprises 6 top game feeder picks, each with its own unique selling point.
Also, you may want to know why we selected the below deer feeders. For this reason, we have also compiled a list of features to look out for when looking for a feeder, especially for deer.
The main things to consider when shopping for your next or first deer feeder are;
- Is the feeder easy to install?
- Is it Big Enough?
- How much does it cost and what are other considerations?
Top 6 Deer Feeder Quick Comparison
Last update on 2025-02-10 / Please note that Prices and Availability Are Subject To Change /Paid links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
For our top pick, we went with the One and Done Game Feeder – Built to Last – Loads 130lbs…. we feel the latter offers great value for the money especially considering its price.
For the number two spot, we picked the Moultrie Pro Magnum Tripod Deer Feeder…. The Moultrie Pro Magnum Tripod is a reliable feeder. If you are looking for something different, we recommend looking at our other feeder recommendations.
How To Choose The Right Deer Feeder?
Today, deer feeders are more sophisticated and complex, with some being remote-controlled, while others maintain the simplicity of old feeders. Regardless, though, it is important to remember that a game feeder needs to be –
- comfortable,
- secure and
- positioned in the right location.
Thus, before settling on a feeder, there are several important factors to consider. These factors are discussed below.
The best feeder for deer on the market should be one that meets your deer management needs. In other words, it needs to have the following characteristics.
Ease Of Installation
Game feeders come in all shapes and sizes; nevertheless, the right one should be easy to install. If the feeder is not easy to install, do not expect any deer to be coming around it regularly. Armed with the right set of information, you can find an excellent feeder setup that is easy to assemble and install.
Big Enough
The almost perfect feeder for deer is one that meets your needs. In this regard, choose the right feeder size. They come in various sizes. Small feeders are ideal for supplemental feeding. However, if you want something extra, a larger feeder will be perfect.
A 3000 to 5000 pound feeder that will last you all year round for hunting and is a perfect choice for deer during their antler growing period. Adjustable ports will be a bonus as they protect the feed from the growing antlers.
Cost is always a critical factor when you are buying any accessory. Thus, although a feeder for deer is a significant investment, stick to your financial lane. Feeders vary in price and finding one that fits your budget is not difficult.
Only For Deer
A quality feeder can feed a deer and be inaccessible to other animals. Thus, a top-quality deer feeder needs to be high enough to be accessible only to a deer. Some game feeders utilize varmint guards and feed pens to prevent other animals from accessing them.
When you buy a feeder, there are other things you will need to know;
Tips For Picking Up The Deer Feeder
- One is where to place the feeder? The best place to position your deer feeder is in a backyard or at the edge of the woods where the deer can get access to water, bedding, and other food sources.
- It is vital that you do not place the feeder near busy roads and crowded housing places.
- Also, be keen on the surrounding environment, especially dangerous plants, jagged rocks, and other harmful or destructive things.
- Most modern game feeders come with a timer. Thus it is wise that you pick a feeder that has an automatic feeder and timer.
Well, for now, if you want to know the baiting techniques of deer, you can check this article about how to bait deer.
Types Of Feeders For Game Hutuning
Deer feeders come in various shapes and sizes, depending on your preferences. Some deer feeders are stationary, while others are motorized to move the food around so that the deer can easily access it. There are also round and hopper-style deer feeders, which use gravity to dispense food pellets or other snacks.
In general, there are 5 types of deer feeders which are:
- Tripod
- Directional
- Gravity
- Hanging
- Scatter
Tripod Deer Feeder:
Tripod deer feeders are the most popular type of deer feeder. They’re durable and easy to set up, making them a great option for anyone who wants an easy-to-use feeder. Tripod deer feeders come in both gravity and standard tripod varieties, so you can find one that fits your needs. One of the best things about tripod deer feeders is that they’re typically very sturdy and can withstand most weather conditions.
Best tripod feeders offer more advanced features than some other types of feeders. As such, they do a great job of keeping unwanted varmints from the feeder. In addition, with this type of feeder, you can control the time when the deer have access to the feed.
Directional Deer Feeder:
Directional deer feeders use a modified directional shroud to dispense food pellets or other snacks in a straight, 30-degree wide path. This type of feeder is perfect for feeding deer along a path or trail, as the feeder will position the food in front of the game so that they can easily access it. The main benefit of a directional deer feeder is that you can program the feeder to dispense feed at your own choice, even at specific times or from locations, making deer feeding more strategic.
Gravity Deer Feeder:
For all their sophistication, tripod game feeders can be a bit pricey and complicated. The same cannot be said about gravity feeders. However, these types of feeders are easy to install and are easy to use, as well. Thus, when you want a basic and straightforward feeder, get a gravity feeder.
Gravity deer feeders rely on gravity to dispense food pellets or other snacks from hopper-style feeders. This type of feeder does not need any programming, so it’s easy to use and requires no additional attachments. This type of feeding is perfect for areas with limited ground space, as the feeder can be mounted on a post or tree. The main benefits of a gravity deer feeder are that it’s simple to set up and use, and it dispenses food evenly so that the deer can get the nutrients they need. Gravity deer feeders are also popular because they’re easy to clean.
Hanging Deer Feeder:
Hanging deer feeders are perfect for hunters who want to limit their exposure to bushes or tall grass while hunting. The feeder hangs from a tree or other elevated location, making it easier for you to access without going through a brush. These feeders are unique in that they hang from a tree or other overhead structures. This type of deer feeder is perfect for feeding large numbers of deer, as it can hold a lot of food and dispense it quickly. This type of feeder enables you to easily attract deer to a specific location.
Best hanging game feeders offer the simplicity of a gravity feeder and a tripod deer feeder’s sophistication. Equipped with a timer, this type of feeder can dispense feeds six times a day. This is important if you have a lot of game traffic. Additionally, these game feeders are easy to install as all you need is a rope to hang it from a branch.
Scatter Deer Feeder
Scatter game feeders are usually big and can dispense more feed than some of the other types. Also, as their name suggests, the feed is scattered out on the ground from the feeder. This attracts more deer and can feed more deer than some of the other deer types.
11 Best Deer Feeders For The Money
Below are the 11 best deer feeders reviews; Which we categorize in terms of their style and user requirement. Such as some may need a tripod feeder, some prefer gravity or scatter, and so on.
Moultrie Deer Feeder Elite Tripod: Best Tripod Deer Feeder
Less than 6 feet tall, the Moultrie elite is a tripod game feeder that is easy to install and is guaranteed to attract deer to your property.
This Tripod Feeder Is Easy To Handle And Durable
But that’s not all; thanks to its easy-lock feature, it is one of the best 30-gallon varmint-proof feeders. Also, since it is less than six feet tall, it is easy to fill. This is in addition to its being durable, courtesy of its UV-resistant plastic hopper.
Comes With Digital Timer
To help guide food out, this tripod game feeder is fitted with a wind-resistant metal spin plate. With a digital timer that can be scheduled to offer 6 feedings, this feeder allows you to concentrate on the hunt or the watch. The timer is customizable and can be customized to dispense foods for 1 to 20 seconds.
Features 3 Camera Mounts
Unfortunately, being a digital feeder, this Moultrie is powered by a 6-volt battery that is not included in the package. To make up for this, the Moultrie comes fitted with camera mounts that you can install up to 3 cameras.
- It is an affordable feeder
- It is easy to assemble and install
- Comes with a customizable digital timer
- It is tapered design makes it easy to fill food in it
- The feeder is constructed using high-quality and durable materials
- Finding a battery to fit in this feeder’s battery compartment can be difficult
- Customizable Digital timer
- Plastic quick-lock hopper
- External power port
- Battery indicator
- Camera mounts
- 5.5-inch fill height
Who Needs This Tripod Feeder
This Moultrie is the best deer feeder setup if you are looking for an affordable and easy-to-install feeder. In essence, this is the perfect feeder for a hunter or anyone looking to feed several deer without having to empty their bank accounts. The bottom line, this is a great feeder for its price.
Moultrie Pro Magnum: BestTripod Deer Feeder For The Money
Sturdy Construction
Another Moultrie feeder that is worth a try is the Moultrie Pro Magnum Tripod Deer Feeder. This feeder is one of the best value-for-money feeders on this list. Using this feeder is super easy, the built-in feed level indicator, LCD timer, and All metal housing made this unit one of the best tripod feeders in today’s market.
This Tripod Feeder Is Easy To Assemble
Furthermore, assembling and installing this feeder requires no tools and is effortless. Its rust-resistant steel hopper is durable and designed for the outdoors. Also the good thing this feeder is varmint-proof meaning you don’t have to worry about those intruders.
Secured Stable Feeder
Being a tripod feeder, it needs stability, which it gets from its square locking legs. The fill height is 9 feet and it can hold up to 200lbs of feed.
Racoon Proof With Digital Timer Deer Feeder
Similar to the Moultrie Elite Tripod feeder, this raccoon-proof deer feeder has a programmable timer but this one has an LCD display for a more convenient setup. The timer can be programmed to dispense feeds 6 times for between 1 and 20 seconds.
- This feeder can hold up to 200 pounds of corn
- It is very well made
- Has a programmable timer that lets you concentrate on other things
- It is compatible with both a battery and a solar panel
- It is easy to assemble and set up
- We found some issue with the battery but it’s solved
- 200-pound Capacity
- LCD Digital timer
- Quick-lock design
- Integrated camera mounts
- Built-in battery indicator
- Varmint guard
- Metal spin plate and funnel
Who Needs This Tripod Feeder
While it is not as cheap as some of the other entrants on our list, it offers features unavailable in the more affordable models. Thus it is the right feeder for any hunter looking for an easy-to-install and uses feeder. Also, it is an excellent feeder for use in the backyard, thanks to its square feet.
Best Gravity Deer Feeder: Banks Outdoors Feed Bank Gravity Feeder
Comes With a Huge Capacity of Feed and Coon Proof
This coon proof Banks Outdoor Gravity feeder is one of the best gravity deer feeders on our list. With 300 lbs of feed capacity, it is more than sufficient for most hunters.
Easy To Manage and 4 Feeding Ports
It has a single center post, easy to manage, and does not get any complications with deer antlers. In addition, it has unique adjustable 4 feeding ports, which are comfortable and manageable for controlling the feeding rate.
Many of its users have complimented it for being durable, something that we agree with. It boasts features that we expect from a high-end feeder, without the high-end price.
- This feeder can hold up to 300 lbs of feed.
- It has a large watertight cover that protects the feed and makes it easy to refill
- The feed ports are at an ideal height of 42 inches from the ground
- It uses a single post, which will not interfere or damage deer’s growing antlers
- It can be mounted onto a tree, fence post, or even a T-post
- Some have complained of the bottom piece breaking easily
- It is a bit heavier than other models
- 300-pound feed capacity
- Watertight cover to keep the feed dry
- Four feeding ports
- UV Stabilized Polyethylene construction
- Attaches to a 4×4 post
Who Needs This Gravity Feeder
Overall, this is a great gravity feeder that costs less than most tripod feeders. Also, it can be attached to a tree, so you do not have to spend extra on the 4×4 post that is sold separately. It is an ideal option for use during hunting season.
Redneck Outdoors T-Post Gravity Feeder
Why We Picked This Deer Feeder?
We loved the Redneck Outdoors T-Post gravity feeder for a number of reasons. Top among them is how lightweight and inexpensive it is. It is a great alternative to pricey tripod models.
However, its lightweight and inexpensive status shouldn’t deceive you into thinking it is a cheap knock-off not worth the time.
On the contrary, this feeder is made of high-quality polyethylene. However, it is a bit small, only capable of holding 80 pounds of feed. But this is understandable given it’s a budget feeder.
Straight And Simple Design
Obviously, you shouldn’t expect any fancy features such as an automatic timer on this feeder. However, it does have a 4-inch by 5-inch feeding hole with a plastic shield that only allows a small amount of feed to fall. It can be installed on a T-post or on a tree.
- It is an affordable and lightweight feeder
- The feeder is fitted with concave grooves on its back for easy strapping to a tree
- Easy to install thanks to its v-groove design
- Has an adjustable height that can be adjusted from 34 inches to 60 inches
- Made from a tough polyethylene material
- It can only hold 80 pounds of feed
- It might take some time for deer to get used to
- Adjustable height
- Concave back
- V-groove design
- 80-pound corn capacity
- Polyethylene construction
- 4 by 5 inches feeding mouth
Who Should Buy This T Post Gravity Feeder
This Redneck feeder is not large; therefore, it is ideal for hunters interested in a portable feeder. Moving this feeder from one location to another is easy. Additionally, it is a basic and straightforward feeder; thus, there is very little to worry about. This is one of the cheapest deer feeders that you will not regret buying.
Best Automatic Deer Feeders: Boss Buck 200 Lb. “All-In” Protein And Corn Feeders
Versatility Makes This Feeder Unique Than Others
One of the most versatile feeders is the Boss Buck all-in protein and corn feeder. As you probably have already guessed, the roto-molded plastic hopper of this feeder can hold up to 200 pounds of corn or protein.
The source of its versatility is its 2-in-1 steel leg system. This feeder can easily convert from a gravity feeder to an automatic battery-powered feeder. Thus, you get two different feeders for the price of one, which is a big bonus.
Feed Control
In addition, this gravity feeder has three feeders, making it the best automatic deer feeder for feeding multiple deer. Inside, the feeder has a three-way sleeve that controls the amount of food sent to the three feeder holes.
- It is a two-in-one feeder that can easily be converted to a battery-powered automatic feeder
- It has a large hopper capacity of 200 pounds
- The hopper is designed from galvanized steel, making it durable
- It comes with a maintenance-free hopper design
- Has three feeder holes
- The automatic battery-powered feeder setup is not included
- Roto-molded plastic hopper
- 200-pound corn capacity
- 2-in-1 leg system
- Double-wall hatch lid
- 3-way inner sleeve
- Galvanized inner parts
Why Should You Buy This Deer Feeder
To say that this is one of the best versatile deer feeders on the market is an understatement. With its unique features, this feeder is great for use in remote areas. Also, given its versatility, it is great for use in different seasons, winter and summer. Finally, this feeder is great for use in locations where you can only be accessed on foot.
Best Hanging Deer Feeder: Moultrie Pro Magnum Hanging Feeder 30-Gallon
Can Hold up Upto 200 Pounds Of Feed
Like the legendary handgun, it shares a name with the Moultrie Pro Magnum Hanging Deer Feeder 30-Gallon is big. And while this may seem like a disadvantage, its big size is justifiable. Especially when you consider it can hold up to 200 pounds of feed.
This Programmable Feeder Can Dispense 6 Times per Day
One of the main benefits of this feeder is its timer. It can dispense feeds six times a day at intervals of one second. Apart from its timer, it comes in metallic housing better than the plastic housing of many other feeders.
Comes With Solar Power Enabled Which Is A Great Plus
You also get a battery indicator, and the feeder is solar power enabled. Thus if you want to be more sustainable, you can always install a solar panel. And thanks to the battery indicator, you can know when it’s running out of juice.
- Can accommodate up to 200 pounds of feed.
- It is one of the most durable feeders thanks to its all-metal construction.
- Has a digital timer for programming feeds up to size times a day.
- Comes with a dual battery compartment that can hold two 6-volt batteries for extended battery life.
- It is rather big and bulky, weighing 30 pounds.
- Due to its weight and size, it may be challenging to set up.
- Feed release digital timer
- Varmint guard
- Built-in-feed level estimator
- Metal spin plate
- The external power port and solar panel connector
- Dual battery compartment
Who Needs This Deer Feeder
This is not the smallest, and neither is it the most lightweight deer feeder. But what it lacks in compactness, it more than makes up for in the amount of feed it can hold. 200 pounds of feed is quite a lot for a feeder.
Wildgame Innovations Pail Feeder, Real Tree Camo Steel: affordable deer feeders
Affordability Is the Main USP Of This Feeder
When it comes to budget feeders, very few are better than the Pail Feeder from Wildgame Innovations. With a real tree camo-colored bucket, this feeder will blend in perfectly with forest surroundings.
Can Hold 50 Pounds Of Feed
The bucket on this feeder is a 6.5-gallon bucket capable of holding up to 50 pounds of feed. To use this feeder, you will have to hang it on a tree. As such, to many people, this pail feeder is better than most gravity-flow deer feeders.
Easy To Assemble, Digital Timer and Sturdy Build Makes This Feeder One Of The Budget-Friendly Deer Feeder
Additionally, this economic feeder has some pretty unique features. Its galvanized steel spin plate does not get damaged easily. Moreover, it is easy to assemble and install, though you will have to drill several holes before installing it. This feeder also has a digital timer.
- It is an affordable feeder
- It is better than keeping out varmints than gravity feeders
- The feeder real tree camo bucket makes it blend in well with a deer’s surroundings
- This feeder can hold up to 50 pounds of corn, which is impressive for its price
- It comes with a digital timer for controlled feeds
- The lid on this feeder is not easy to install or remove
- Steel spin plate
- 6.5-gallon pail
- 6-volt battery operation
- Real tree extra camo barrel
- Hanging pail design
Who Needs This Deer Feeder
While it is not the best squirrel-proof deer feeder, its low price tag and features make it a great option for hunters. As already stated, this feeder can do a better job at keeping varmints away than most gravity feeders. Generally speaking, this is a feeder that is great as a first-time feeder for a hunter.
affordable deer feeders: Moultrie 5 Gallon All In One With Timer Feeder
Affordable Without Compromising Quality
One of the cheapest Moultrie game feeders is the 5 Gallon All In One with timer feeder. But do not let its low price fool you as this feeder has everything you need.
Comes As Pre Assembled
To start with, there is no assembly required as this feeder comes as an already assembled unit. The bucket, funnel, and batteries come ready to use. That’s right; this feeder comes with 4 AAA batteries that can last you up to 4 months.
What We Liked Most About This Deer Feeder
One of the best things we liked about this feeder is that it collapses on itself, making it easy to transport. Additionally, to install it, all you need to do is hang it on a tree using its paracord. This means that if you hung it high enough, it would be out of the reach of squirrels and other such varmints. Also, it is possible to position it high enough to reach when adding corn to it.
- It is a cheap feeder
- This feeder is portable and can easily be transported thanks to its collapsible nature
- There is no assembly required as this feeder comes ready to use
- The feeder has a timer for controlled feeds of between 1 and 20 seconds
- Thanks to its timer, you can control it to dispense up to 4 feeds a day
- It can attach to a solar panel
- Due to the fact it needs to be hanged, it is possible to hang it where a deer cannot reach
- Digital timer
- Metallic spin plate
- 5-gallon tapered bucket
- Ready to use the funnel
- 4 AA alkaline batteries
- Adjustable Feed Timer
Who Should Buy This Deer Feeder
So is this Moultrie feeder worth it? If you want a feeder that comes ready to use out of the box, it is definitely worth it. This hog-proof deer feeder is excellent for use in the forests and or in your backyard if you have trees. In summary, this feeder is great for first-time feeder users.
American Hunter 5-Gallon Digital Hanging Bucket Feeder
American Hunter offers digital hanging bucket game feeders at affordable prices, and the 5-gallon digital hanging bucket feeder is no exception. At the center of this feeder’s performance and quality is a 5-gallon plastic hopper.
Things We Liked Most About This American Hunter Hunter Bucket Feeder?
This plastic hopper can hold up to 40 pounds of feed. Atop this 5-gallon hopper is a plastic waterproof lid that ensures rainwater does not get inside the hopper. At the bottom, just below the hopper, is a digital spinner that is programmable.
The spinner has a programmable timer that controls the amount of feed that the feeder dispenses. This spinner makes this much easier as all you need is to fill the hopper and set the timer. Thanks to its bucket design, moving this feeder is easy.
- Made from high-quality plastic to withstand harsh weather
- The lid on this feeder is waterproof and thus feeds remain dry
- The 40 pound capacity of the hopper is amazing for a feeder in its price range
- It comes with a timer that allows you to control the number of feeds dispensed
- Has an adjustable feed rate of 1 to 30 seconds
- This feeder uses a 6-volt battery that is bought separately
- Adjustable feed rate
- 5-gallon hopper
- Spinner plate
- 6-volt spring-top lead battery
- 40-pound Capacity
- Waterproof lid
Who Should Buy This Hanging Game Feeder
There are many hanging game feeders that you can choose from. However, when you want the right balance between quality and price, we recommend the 5-gallon Feeder from American Hunter. Not only is it easy to fill and carry, but it also requires no assembling, and installing it is easy.
Best Scatter Deer Feeder: Sweeney Feeders Scatter Feeder Leg Package
Larger Capacity
The Sweeney feeders scatter feeder is a high-end feeder with all the features you would expect from a premium model. This Sweeney feeder has a 300-pound capacity and is constructed from high-quality stainless steel.
A Great Scatter Feeder
This scatters feeder is fitted with scatter plates complete with swinging gates. Also, the feeder features a precision brass shaft and a built-in motor. It is this motor that is responsible for the feeder’s power. With its scatter plate, this feeder covers a diameter of 60 meters.
Stable and Pre-wired Solar Charger
The feeder comes with either a 4-foot or 8-foot extension leg set, which ensures stability. It also has a pre-wired solar charger.
- Comes with a varmint guard for keeping out varmints
- Has a digital timer for controlled feeds
- Constructed from high-grade stainless steel making one of the most durable Sweeney Feeders
- All the parts of this feeder are made of high-quality materials
- Replacing the feeders motor is not always easy as these motors are not readily available
- 12-volt motor
- Steel hopper
- Premium timer
- 4 foot or 8-foot extension leg set
- Varmint guard
- Pre-wired solar charger
Who Need This Deer Feeder
This might not be the cheapest feeder out there; however, it is worth its price tag. Therefore, this is the right feeder for serious hunters who believe in investing in quality. And while it is a ground deer feeder, it has a guard that prevents varmints from accessing the contents of its hopper.
bear proof deer feeder: One And Done Game Feeder – Loads 130 Lbs, 250 Lbs, 500 Lbs Feed
There are very few feeders, which are bear-proof, hog-proof, and can withstand abuse. One and Done Feeder is the kind of feeder you may consider if you need a sturdy feeder.
We Found This Deer Feeder As One Of The Most Easy To Assemble
This is one of the easiest game feeders to set up and use. There are no tools required when setting up. You can also choose to set it on the ground, strap it to a tree, or on a tripod; it is all up to you.
Comes in Three Sizes
It is available in three sizes: a 130-pound, 250-pound, and 500-pound version. The 130-pound version is the smallest, has a 30-gallon drum, and can hold up to 130 pounds of feed. The largest can hold feeds of up to 500 pounds.
Can Set The Digital Timer 6 Times a Day
While it can perform as a gravity feeder, it has unique features that do not come with most gravity feeders. For starters, you get a digital timer for timing the feed. You can time the feed to be dispensed six times per day with intervals of 1 to 99 seconds.
- It is easy to set up and use
- Available in three different size versions to suit the needs of different hunters
- Comes with a bracket to make it easy to strap it to a tree
- It can be powered with one 12-volt battery
- Has a large drum that can accommodate up to 130 pounds of feeds
- The sealing is not all that good, especially the top gasket
- 30-gallon drum capable of holding 130 pounds of feeds
- Smart program TM digital timer
- Multi-patented directional feeder
- 12-volt power battery not included
- 16 gauge steel housing
Why Should You Buy This Feeder
This One & Done model gives you a lot of features to work with. Also, you get to choose from three different size versions. Additionally, its simplistic setup adds to its many pros. While it is not without its fair share of cons, it is well worth it.
Deer And Livestock Feeder By Zenature: Best Cheap Deer Feeders
If you are looking for a cheap but quality feeder, then you can check our below selection.
The Most Straightforward Deer Feeder Available In The Market
It might look unsophisticated and straightforward, but the deer and livestock feeder by zenature is a great accessory to have on your farm.
It is in the shape of a trough, for starters, meaning it can attract deer better than other intricately modern feeders.
Also, as its name suggests, it can be used as a livestock feeder. So it can serve two functions on your farm.
Solid Construction
The feeder is constructed entirely of white pine wood and has no metal parts. Measuring 17.75 inches high by 16.50 inches wide by 24.00 inches long, this feeder can last you for years. Thanks to the durability of its white pine wood. It has a removable bottom that makes it easy to clean.
- Easy to clean, thanks to its detachable bottom
- It can be used as a livestock feeder as well as a feeder
- The white pine wood that is used to make it is durable and lasts very long
- Since it does not have any technological parts, it is easy to assemble
- It has an attractive design
- It can be used as a wooden planter
- Since it lacks technological parts, you have to do most of the work yourself
- White pine wood panels
- Removable bottom
- Wooden trough
Who Need This Deer Feeder
This is not a sophisticated wooden feeder; in fact, it is pretty old school. However, that’s what makes this such a great feeder. This is a feeder that you can use on your farm as well as in your backyard. And considering its price, this is a great feeder for anyone looking for a versatile feeder.
Best Deer Feeders Kits
We have tested some feeder kits, and among them, we selected a few of them. And we believe they are excellent and worth your money.
American Hunter Digital Feeder Kit
There are many types of deer feeder kits available on the market. But if you want a kit that is well within your budget, we recommend the American Hunter Digital Feeder Kit.
As its name suggests, this is a digital kit complete with a digital timer. Thanks to this timer, you can regulate deer feeding between 1 and 16 times a day and on different days of the week. And it gets better; this feeder kit has a feed rate of between 1 and 30 seconds.
Surrounding the top of the feeder, where you place the feeds, is a guard. This guard is designed to keep out squirrels, raccoons, and other unwanted visitors. In addition, the housing of this feeder kit is tough and weather resistant.
- It is a cheap feeder kit
- Comes with a varmint guard to keep out pesky rodents
- Has a programmable digital timer to control feed
- It can fit in most feeder containers
- It is crafted from tough materials making it durable and weather-resistant
- The pillars joining the funnel to the base are made of plastic and can thus break easily
- Digital clock timer
- Guard for protecting varmint
- Adjustable feed rate
- 6volt battery
This feeder kit has all the characteristics of a great feeder. For starters, it is affordable and is a coon proof deer feeder kit. Additionally, its housing is durable and can withstand different weather conditions. To sum it up, this is a great feeder for anyone who wants a cheap feeder and can keep out pesky varmints.
Moultrie MFHP12367 All In One Timer Kit
For a more simplistic deer feeding, why not buy the Moultrie all in a one-timer kit. While this feeder kit might be the smallest on the market, it gets the job done. In addition, this kit’s housing is constructed from high-quality ABS plastic, meaning it survives in the great outdoors.
Moreover, it comes with a digital timer that you can use to program up to 4 feed times a day.
But that’s not all; this feeder kit is designed to attach to almost all bucket sizes. Thus, all you need to do is get a feeder bucket to attach to this kit, and you are good to go.
For power, this kit has several options. First, you get 4 AA alkaline batteries included. Secondly, the kit comes with a solar panel connector and an external power port.
- Attaches to almost all bucket sizes
- It is offered at an affordable price
- Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions
- Comes with 4 AA batteries included and has solar panel connectors
- It is lightweight and compact for easy transportation from one location to another
- It does not have a bucket, meaning you need to buy a bucket separately to use it
- Metal spin plate
- ABS plastic housing
- Digital timer
- Test button
- 4 AA batteries
- External power port
- Solar panel connectors
Despite its lack of a bucket, this feeder kit works well for hunters who do not want to waste time assembling a feeder. And while it is not a metal feeder, it can hold its owner against the ferocity of Mother Nature. Thus, it is well suited to use in forested areas and harsh weather.
best directional deer feeder: 305802 American Hunter Sun Slinger Directional Feeder Kit
The Sun Slinger directional feeder kit does not look like any of the other above reviewed feeders. And this is because; this is a feeder kit that is in a class of its own. Its straightforward timer provides various feeding options and can be customized to release feeds once or sixteen times a day at a rate of between 1 and 30 seconds.
This easy touch digital timer is a great component of this directional feeder kit. Another great part of this feeder is the powder-coated slinger and downspout. For ease of installation, this feeder kit comes complete with self-tapping screws and mounting brackets.
While it is powered by a 6-volt rechargeable battery, which is not included, it has a built-in solar charger for easy charging. Overall, this feeder measures 5.5 by 19 by 5.5 inches.
- It is easy to set up since it comes with its own screws and brackets
- It comes with a digital timer
- The feeder is constructed from high-quality materials that make it durable
- Has an adjustable feed rate
- It is a lightweight and portable feeder kit
- It is compatible with a solar charger
- Does not come with a 6-volt battery needed to power it
- 6-volt solar charger
- Touch digital timer
- Self-tapping screws
- Mounting brackets
- Adjustable feed rate
- Slinger and downspout
Though it is unlike any other feeder on this list, it is still a great feeder, especially if you want the best directional deer feeder that is easy to use and carry around. This feeder is especially great with corn, of good quality. For deer feed corn purposes, this is the right feeder to settle on.
Feeders come in many different types, from stump feeders to peanut butter feeders. It all depends on the feeder that suits you best. And while some are bear proof deer feeders, many are designed to keep varmints out. And all the above-reviewed feeders are capable of keeping out any pesky varmints that may be snooping around your property. So if you are wondering what the best deer feed unit is, the answer might very well be on this list.
Your Frequently Asked Questions
Which one is better: solar-powered or battery-powered deer feeders?
The best deer feeder depends on your specific needs and preferences. However, if you are confused between solar and battery powered deer feeder, then the Moultrie Pro Magnum is the perfect option for you. This feeder have both solar and battery option to power its internal motion sensors and motor, which in turn dispenses deer food at a set time. Additionally, it has a weatherproof design and is easy to set up.
What are the benefits of using a deer feeder?
Deer feeders are a popular choice for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. They provide a fun and entertaining experience for the kids, while also providing food for the deer. Not only that, but deer feeders can also be a valuable asset to your property. There are many other benefits of using deer feeders in your deer hunting game. These feeders allow you to provide supplemental food for the deer on a consistent basis, which can help keep them healthy and lead to better hunting results. Additionally, feeding deer from a feeder keeps them away from shrubs and other vegetation that may contain harmful parasites or critters that could harm them. Aside from providing food, deer feeders can also reduce the amount of vegetation that is destroyed by the deer. This is important because it helps to reduce the amount of damage that is done to your property and helps to maintain the ecological balance. In addition, deer feeders can also reduce the noise levels that are made by the deer. This can be a pleasant surprise for those who live in close proximity to the deer. Deer feeders can also be used to attract other wildlife to your property. This can include birds, squirrels, and rabbits. By providing them with food, you are helping to conserve their resources and improve the biodiversity of your area.
Are gravity feeders good for deer?
Gravity feeders are a great option for deer as they provide a steady stream of food, reducing the likelihood of them becoming bored or stressed. They are also easy to set up, making them a quick and easy solution for feeding your deer. Additionally, gravity feeders are quiet, so you will not be disturbed by their feeding activity. Gravity feeders also come in handy when you have a lot of deer and you don’t have the time or resources to keep up with feeding them manually. Simply set the feeder up and let the deer do their thing! In addition to feeding deer, gravity feeders can also be used to feed other animals, like llamas and alpacas.
About The Author:
Lake Streeter, A Gun enthusiast, and loves to hunt in the middle of the wood. Always check the latest hunting gears out in the market and try to share his honest opinion with the audience in Tarheel3Gun.