Top 9 Bow Hunting Tips & Guide That You Must Need To Know

Welcome, in this article, I am going to discuss all of the top bow hunting tips you must need to know if you are passionate about bow hunting. As a bow hunter, one of the things that I have learned is that there are certain values that you must embrace. This is before you even become adept at bow hunting.

Some of them include dedication, perseverance, decision-making skills, accuracy, judgment, stealth, and patience.

These values help you to acquire important bow hunter skills like:

My Top 9 Bow Hunting Tips and Secret For Success

Becoming an expert bow hunter is not easy. It is, however, possible. Below, I take you through bow hunting tips. If you are already adept, this should serve as a reminder of the basics:

Get The Right Compound Bow


One of the necessities for bow hunting is ensuring that you have the right bow for hunting. It can be a crossbow for hunting or a compound bow if you want that raw feeling of bow hunting. When choosing a bow, there are things that you need to look out for. The first is accuracy. I suggest going for one that gives room for operator error. This is unless you are a pro archer.

Besides practice and getting the right bow getting the accurate shoot, you can follow my below suggestions:


As a seasoned bow hunter, I know that having the right accessories is crucial to achieving accuracy in bow hunting. In my experience, sight is one of the most essential accessories to consider. I prefer using an adjustable-pin sight as it allows me to fine-tune my aim for various distances with precision. However, another option to consider is the single pin bow sight, or for the crossbow, you can choose crossbow scopes which may be suitable for some hunting scenarios. Ultimately, the choice of sight depends on the hunter’s preference and the specific requirements of the hunt.

I also use a drop-away arrow rest as it provides better arrow clearance and improves accuracy.

Bow Stabilizer

A bow stabilizer is another accessory that I highly recommend. It helps balance the weight of the bow and reduces vibration after the shooting, which is essential for accuracy. I prefer using a long stabilizer as it provides better stability for aiming and helps reduce fatigue during extended hunts.

Release Aids and quiver

When it comes to releasing aids, I have found that a back tension release works best for me. It helps me release the bowstring consistently and accurately, which is important when aiming for a precise shot. I also use a wrist strap release as a backup option for when I need to shoot quickly.

Lastly, I choose a quiver that holds enough arrows for my hunt and is comfortable to carry. I prefer using a quiver that attaches to my bow, so I don’t have to carry it separately.

finally, choosing the right accessories for bow hunting is a personal decision. It’s essential to consider your hunting style, preferences, and experience level when making your selection. Invest in high-quality accessories that fit your needs and practice with them regularly to improve your accuracy.


The second thing you need to consider is speed. A fast bow is able to shoot a flatter arrow. This makes it less necessary to do exact range estimation. You must be very accurate, though. One of the bow shooting techniques is that you can shoot a heavy arrow with a heavy head. This way, you will not compromise on the trajectory.

Other things to consider include:

  • Your dominant eye
  • Draw length
  • Axle-to-axle length
  • Draw weight

Practice Practice Practice

  • hunter groups
  • bow hunting programs
  • discussion forums
  • gaming

A survey done by the Archery Trade Association (ATA) in 2012 revealed that 18.9 million Americans bow-hunted or shot archery. A third of the archers were women. 4 million of them were exclusively archers.

What do these statistics suggest?

As a bow hunter who is willing to learn fast, there are many people to learn from. Some of these people belong to hunter groups. They hunt from time to time. My suggestion here: get to know where they hunt and join them. This is a great way to practice. Also, buy the best archery target for practicing more at home and outdoors alone or with your friends. This archery target will be a handy tool for improving your hunting skills.

Another interesting way to practice in my view is via watching programs where you can access bow hunting trips and tricks. There are web shows and even movies and channels on Netflix. Join discussion forums on the web and social media. Stay informed.

Today we have the advantage of accessing simulated environments. During the off-season, you can keep sharpening your skills. Choose a challenging 3D course and practice. Focus on the areas you are not yet good at.

Early Season Hunting

When bow hunting whitetail deer in the early season, there are some things you need to know. The following early season bow hunting tips come in handy:

Deer sightings

bow hunting tips

In early-season hunting, deer sightings provide clues to deer movements. You need to keep checking your cameras, binoculars and scouting as well. Look out for food sources. At this time of the year, the deer do not have much pressure on them. There is not much hunting going on. A great time to ambush.


A good time for an ambush is when a whitetail is getting ready for its evening meal. You may want to avoid hunting in the morning, as it may alarm the deer, causing them to change their patterns. It is also important to know what white-tailed deer eat So that you can bait them perfectly by with some of the ​top-rated deer feeders and win the trophy. 

Mock scrapes

Imitating the prey is probably something bow hunters have learned from real hunters. When predators want to catch their prey, they imitate them.

A smart move is to put up mock scrapes. Deer use them to mark their territory. When you put up mock scrapes, the deer will feel that their territory is invaded. They want to patrol their neighborhood to find the intruder. Need I say more? You have your chance as a bow hunter.


As I mentioned, food sources are important in the early season. Acorns become staple deer food as the season progresses. These acorns are a source of protein and fat that the animals will need to survive the winter. Acorns are usually dropped by oaks in October, during the fall.

Using Scents

A 2016 study showed that the number of archers increased by 14% from 2012 to 2014. There are now 21.6 million archers in America. In the study, an interesting finding was that most archers grew up in rural areas. They probably hunted deer even when they were young.

People who grew up in rural areas must have known something about scents. In addition to mock scrapes, you can use a hot-doe scent. It is a smart way to cover up your own scent, yet attract the deer to follow you. What you need to do is ensure that your hunting boots drag rag have some scent that leads to the tree stand. Keep adding more drops to ensure that the scent remains strong. Do not walk directly to the stand. Walk to either side (about 20 yards)

Using Google Earth

bow hunting tips

Google Earth gives a bird’s eye view of the land that you hunt, or that you are looking to hunt. From your PC, you can zoom into details. You can even identify ideal places to put a treestand. Here is one of the best bow-hunting deer tips. You can use Google Earth to identify deer trails.

Hunting Edges

Edges are changes in terrain. They can be marked by changes in vegetation. For instance, a change from hardwood stands to a pine tree stand. A change in terrain is also a good edge. It can be a cliff edge along a ridge.

An edge is the best place to shoot a deer with a bow. Whitetails use this as a route as they move from their bedding areas to their feeding areas. The early season and the late season are the best to hunt edges. The early season refers to September to October week three. The late season begins in the last week of November and ends in the last week of January.

Perfect Your Kill Range

Perfecting your kill range is one of the vital bow-hunting essentials. You need to find out the distance that you can shoot at best. This distance should remain the same no matter the circumstances. You should shoot at the same distance even in bad weather. Pressure should not alter the distance. Everyone’s kill range is different. Find yours and perfect it.

Study Buck Rubs

Buck rubs are one of the unique tips for bow hunting. When you see buck rubs on trees, know that it is mating time. Whitetails are less cautious during the mating season than in other seasons. Different rubs mean different things. Rubs point to the buck’s maturity, behavior, and size. Bigger bucks have bigger rubs on bigger trees (6 to 12 inches across). Mature bucks will rub earlier and more often (3 to 4 times)

Proper Distance Approximation

You will hear and learn a lot of hunting tips and tricks. Proper distance approximation will be the difference between ethical and unethical bow shooting. It will be the difference between successful hunting and missed opportunities. There are several bow shooting tips to aid in proper distance approximation. They include:

  • Estimating the size of the target
  • Calculating the time the arrow takes to hit the target
  • Using your gut feeling
  • Using another target that you can accurately hit (then working until you can hit your ultimate target)

All in All

The above bow hunting tips and tricks help you to avoid missed opportunities. They are helpful if you are new to bow hunting. If you are adept at it, you need to keep learning. This is the only way to minimize unsuccessful hunts.

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